Heather M.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for our Title 1 free subscription to Skybrary. My students were so motivated and engaged in their reading and loved every minute they could get on the iPads. They would often log onto Skybrary when they had free choice of any app on the iPad. While they really loved the books, I love the background building provided by the videos. My students have very few resources at home and it was magical for them to "go to" the Natural History Museum, see dolphins at sea, visit the Washington monuments and seeing all the behind the scenes activities with many of the zoo animals. My hope is that one day they can do all of those things in person. As someone who watched the original Reading Rainbow afternoons on PBS, I loved that my students adopted saying, "but you don't have to take my word for it", "see you next time" and that they could sing the entire introductory song. My hope is that those little thing become as much valued childhood memory for them, as they are for me. I truly appreciate your support in my classroom. Without the free subscription I would have never been able to provide this resource to my students. They were very motivated to read even when they were not using the app and I credit that to their newly developed love of reading and seeing that they can really "go anywhere … and be anything…in a book.” That is a direct result of your support of our classroom!"